9 research outputs found

    The Ligand Binding Domain of GCNF Is Not Required for Repression of Pluripotency Genes in Mouse Fetal Ovarian Germ Cells

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    In mice, successful development and reproduction require that all cells, including germ cells, transition from a pluripotent to a differentiated state. This transition is associated with silencing of the pluripotency genes Oct4 and Nanog. Interestingly, these genes are repressed at different developmental timepoints in germ and somatic cells. Ovarian germ cells maintain their expression until about embryonic day (E) 14.5, whereas somatic cells silence them much earlier, at about E8.0. In both somatic cells and embryonic stem cells, silencing of Oct4 and Nanog requires the nuclear receptor GCNF. However, expression of the Gcnf gene has not been investigated in fetal ovarian germ cells, and whether it is required for silencing Oct4 and Nanog in that context is not known. Here we demonstrate that Gcnf is expressed in fetal ovarian germ cells, peaking at E14.5, when Oct4 and Nanog are silenced. However, conditional ablation of the ligand-binding domain of Gcnf using a ubiquitous, tamoxifen-inducible Cre indicates that Gcnf is not required for the down-regulation of pluripotency genes in fetal ovarian germ cells, nor is it required for initiation of meiosis and oogenesis. These results suggest that the silencing of Oct4 and Nanog in germ cells occurs via a different mechanism from that operating in somatic cells during gastrulation.Howard Hughes Medical InstituteNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2R01HG00257-20)National Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.) (2R01HG00257-20

    Novel MicroRNA Candidates and miRNA-mRNA Pairs in Embryonic Stem (ES) Cells

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    MicroRNAS (miRNAS: a class of short non-coding RNAs) are emerging as important agents of post transcriptional gene regulation and integral components of gene networks. MiRNAs have been strongly linked to stem cells, which have a remarkable dual role in development. They can either continuously replenish themselves (self-renewal), or differentiate into cells that execute a limited number of specific actions (pluripotence).In order to identify novel miRNAs from narrow windows of development we carried out an in silico search for micro-conserved elements (MCE) in adult tissue progenitor transcript sequences. A plethora of previously unknown miRNA candidates were revealed including 545 small RNAs that are enriched in embryonic stem (ES) cells over adult cells. Approximately 20% of these novel candidates are down-regulated in ES (Dicer(-/-)) ES cells that are impaired in miRNA maturation. The ES-enriched miRNA candidates exhibit distinct and opposite expression trends from mmu-mirs (an abundant class in adult tissues) during retinoic acid (RA)-induced ES cell differentiation. Significant perturbation of trends is found in both miRNAs and novel candidates in ES (GCNF(-/-)) cells, which display loss of repression of pluripotence genes upon differentiation.Combining expression profile information with miRNA target prediction, we identified miRNA-mRNA pairs that correlate with ES cell pluripotence and differentiation. Perturbation of these pairs in the ES (GCNF(-/-)) mutant suggests a role for miRNAs in the core regulatory networks underlying ES cell self-renewal, pluripotence and differentiation

    Loss of Orphan Receptor Germ Cell Nuclear Factor Function Results in Ectopic Development of the Tail Bud and a Novel Posterior Truncation

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    The dynamic embryonic expression of germ cell nuclear factor (GCNF), an orphan nuclear receptor, suggests that it may play an important role during early development. To determine the physiological role of GCNF, we have generated a targeted mutation of the GCNF gene in mice. Germ line mutation of the GCNF gene proves that the orphan nuclear receptor is essential for embryonic survival and normal development. GCNF(−/−) embryos cannot survive beyond 10.5 days postcoitum (dpc), probably due to cardiovascular failure. Prior to death, GCNF(−/−) embryos suffer significant defects in posterior development. Unlike GCNF(+/+) embryos, GCNF(−/−) embryos do not turn and remain in a lordotic position, the majority of the neural tube remains open, and the hindgut fails to close. GCNF(−/−) embryos also suffer serious defects in trunk development, specifically in somitogenesis, which terminates by 8.75 dpc. The maximum number of somites in GCNF(−/−) embryos is 13 instead of 25 as in the GCNF(+/+) embryos. Interestingly, the tailbud of GCNF(−/−) embryos develops ectopically outside the yolk sac. Indeed, alterations in expression of multiple marker genes were identified in the posterior of GCNF(−/−) embryos, including the primitive streak, the node, and the presomitic mesoderm. These results suggest that GCNF is required for maintenance of somitogenesis and posterior development and is essential for embryonic survival. These results suggest that GCNF regulates a novel and critical developmental pathway involved in normal anteroposterior development

    Orphan Nuclear Receptors as Targets for Drug Development

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